My friends in the books

Sitting on a chair,
walking in the park,
sipping a coffee,
or lying in the bed,
I meet many people,
they are my friends,
they tell me their stories,
and I listen to them, 
understanding their part.

With no furniture in the room,
they sit close to me,
I feel their closeness
the warmth of their soul,
the truth in their eyes,
they love each other,
and fight over small things,
and i am always with them,

In few hours we travel years,
and then they are silent,
and leave me alone
to think,
to smile,
to cry,
to fall in love with them,
or sometimes hate them,
and then write for them.

And after a sigh,
I meet more people,
I read new stories,
I make new friends,
My Friends In the Books..

🙂 aapkamitrgss
Gurnam Singh Sodhi
6th September, 2012

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